Apache Tajo
Tajo is a relational and distributed data warehouse system for Hadoop. Tajo is designed for low-latency and scalable ad-hoc queries, online aggregation and ETL on large-data sets by leveraging advanced database techniques. It supports SQL standards. It has its own query engine which allows direct control of distributed execution and data flow. As a result, Tajo has a variety of query evaluation strategies and more optimization opportunities. In addition, Tajo will have a native columnar execution and and its optimizer.
- Tajo Wiki
- Getting Started
- Build Instruction
- Query Language
- Configuration Guide
- Backup and Restore Guide
- Functions
- Tajo Interactive Shell
- Java 1.6 or higher
- Hadoop 2.0.3-alpha or higher
Mailing lists
dev@tajo.apache.org - To discuss and ask general development issues.
user@tajo.apache.org - To discuss and ask end-user questions/issues.
issues@tajo.apache.org - To see notifications made in the Tajo issue tracking system, review board, and Jenkins CI.
commits@tajo.apache.org - To monitor commits to the source repository.
To subscribe to the mailing lists, please send an email to: ${listname}-subscribe@tajo.apache.org. For example, to subscribe to dev, send an email from your desired subscription address to: dev-subscribe@tajo.apache.org and follow the instructions from there.