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1 May 2014

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  • Title: DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS Concepts and Design Fifth Edition
  • Authors: George Coulouris, Jean Dollimore, Tim Kindberg and Gordon Blair


GFS offers a system for storing and accessing large ‘flat’ files whose content is accessed relative to byte offsets within a file, allowing programs to store large quantities of data and perform read and write (especially append) operations optimized for the typical use within the organization. While this is an important building block, it is not sufficient to meet all of Google’s data needs. There is a strong need for a distributed storage system that provides access to data that is indexed in more sophisticated ways related to its content and structure. Web search and nearly all of the other Google applications, including the crawl infrastructure, Google Earth/Maps, Google Analytics and personalized search, use structured data access. Google Analytics, for example, stores information on raw clicks associated with users visiting a web site in one table and summarizes the analyzed information in a second table. The former is around 200 terabytes in size and the latter 20 terabytes. (The analysis is carried out using MapReduce, described in Section 21.6 below.)

One choice for Google would be to implement (or reuse) a distributed database, for example a relational database with a full set of relational operators provided (for example, union, selection, projection, intersection and join). But the achievement of good performance and scalability in such distributed databases is recognized as a difficult problem and, crucially, the styles of application offered by Google do not demand this full functionality. Google therefore has introduced Bigtable [Chang et al. 2008], which retains the table model offered by relational databases but with a much simpler interface suitable for the style of application and service offered by Google and also designed to support the efficient storage and retrieval of quite massive structured datasets. We describe this interface in some detail below before looking at the internal architecture of Bigtable, highlighting how these properties are achieved.

Bigtable interface

Bigtable is a distributed storage system that supports the storage of potentially vast volumes of structured data. The name is strongly indicative of what it offers, providing storage for what are very big tables (often in the terabyte range). More precisely, Bigtable supports the fault-tolerant storage, creation and deletion of tables where a given table is a three-dimensional structure containing cells indexed by a row key, a column key and a timestamp:


Each row in a table has an associated row key that is an arbitrary string of up to 64 kilobytes in size, although most keys are significantly smaller. A row key is mapped by Bigtable to the address of a row. A given row contains potentially large amounts of data about a given entity such as a web page. Given that it is common within Google to process information about web pages, it is quite common, for example, for row keys to be URLs with the row then containing information about the resources referenced by the URLs. Bigtable maintains a lexicographic ordering of a given table by row key, and this has some interesting repercussions. In particular, as we will see below when we examine the underlying architecture, subsequences of rows map onto tablets, which are the unit of distribution and placement. Hence it is beneficial to manage locality by assigning row keys that will be close or even adjacent in the lexicographic order. This implies that URLs may make bad key choices, but URLs with the domain portion reversed will provide much stronger locality for data accesses because common domains will be sorted together, supporting domain analyses. To illustrate this, consider information stored on the BBC web site related to sport. If such information is stored under URLs such as and, then the resultant sort will be rather random and dominated by the lexicographic order of early fields. If, however, it is stored under and, the related information is likely to be stored in the same tablet. It should be stressed that this key assignment is left entirely to the programmer so they must be aware of this (ordering) property to exploit the system optimally. To deal with concurrency issues, all accesses to rows are atomic (echoing similar design decisions in GFS and Chubby).


The naming of columns is more structured than that of rows.Columns are organized into a number of column families – logical groupings where the data under a family tends to be of the same type, with individual columns designated by qualifiers within families. In other words, a given column is referred to using the syntax family:qualifier, where family is a printable string and qualifier is an arbitrary string. The intended use is to have a relatively small number of families for a given table but a potentially large number of columns (designated by distinct qualifiers) within a family. Using the example from Chang et al. [2008], this can be used to structure data associated with web pages, with valid families being the contents, any anchors associated with the page and the language that is used in the web page. If a family name refers to just one column it is possible to omit the qualifier. For example, a web page will have one contents field, and this can be referred to using the key name contents:.


Any given cell within Bigtable can also have multiple versions indexed by timestamp, where the timestamp is either related to real time or can be an arbitrary value assigned by the programmer (for example, a logical time, as discussed in Section 14.4, or a version identifier). The various versions are sorted by reverse timestamp with the most recent version available first. This facility can be used, for example, to store different versions of the same data, including the content of web pages, allowing analyses to be carried out over historical data as well as the current data. Tables can be set up to apply garbage collection on older versions automatically, therefore reducing the burden on the programmer to manage the large datasets and associated versions. This three-dimensional table abstraction is illustrated in Figure 21.13.

Bigtable supports an API that provides a wide range of operations, including:

  • the creation and deletion of tables;
  • the creation and deletion of column families within tables;
  • accessing data from given rows;
  • writing or deleting cell values;
  • carrying out atomic row mutations including data accesses and associated write and delete operations (more global, cross-row transactions are not supported);
  • iterating over different column families, including the use of regular expressions to identify column ranges;
  • associating metadata such as access control information with tables and column families.

As can be seen, Bigtable is considerably simpler than a relational database but well suited to the styles of application within Google. Chang et al.discuss how this interface supports the storage of tables of data on web pages (where the rows represent individual web pages and the columns represent data and metadata associated with that given web page), the storage of both raw and processed data for Google Earth (with rows representing geographical segments and columns being different images available for that segment), and also data to support Google Analytics (for example, maintaining a raw click table where rows represent an end user session and columns the associated activity).

The overall architecture of the underlying system is presented below.

Bigtable architecture

A Bigtable is broken up into tablets, with a given tablet being approximately 100–200 megabytes in size. The main tasks of the Bigtable infrastructure are therefore to manage tablets and to support the operations described above for accessing and changing the associated structured data. The implementation also has the task of mapping the tablet structure onto the underlying file system (GFS) and ensuring effective load balancing across the system. As we shall see below, Bigtable makes heavy use of both GFS and Chubby for the storage of data and distributed coordination.

A single instance of a Bigtable implementation is known as a cluster, and each cluster can store a number of tables. The architecture of a Bigtable cluster is similar to that of GFS, consisting of three major components (as shown in Figure 21.14):

  • a library component on the client side;
  • a master server;
  • a potentially large number of tablet servers.

In terms of scale, Chang et al. report that, as of 2008, 388 production clusters ran across multiple Google machine clusters, with an average of around 63 tablet servers per cluster but with many being significantly larger (some with more than 500 tablet servers per cluster). The number of tablet servers per cluster is also dynamic, and it is common to add new tablet servers to the system at runtime to increase throughput.

Two of the key design decisions in Bigtable are identical to those made for GFS. Firstly, Bigtable adopts a single master approach, for exactly the same reasons – that is, to maintain a centralized view of the state of the system thus supporting optimal placement and load-balancing decisions and because of the inherent simplicity in implementing this approach. Secondly, the implementation maintains a strict separation between control and data with a lightweight control regime maintained by the master and data access entirely through appropriate tablet servers, with the master not involved at this stage (to ensure maximum throughput when accessing large datasets by interacting directly with the tablet servers). In particular, the control tasks associated with the master are as follows:

  • monitoring the status of tablet servers and reacting to both the availability of new tablet servers and the failure of existing ones;
  • assigning tablets to tablet servers and ensuring effective load balancing;
  • garbage collection of the underlying files stored in GFS.

Bigtable goes further than GFS in that the master is not involved in the core task of mapping tablets onto the underlying persistent data (which is, as mentioned above, stored in GFS). This means that Bigtable clients do not have to communicate with the master at all (compare this with the open operation in GFS, which does involve the master), a design decision that significantly reduces the load on the master and the possibility of the master becoming a bottleneck.

We now look at how Bigtable uses GFS for storing its data and uses Chubby in rather innovative ways for implementing monitoring and load balancing.

Data storage in Bigtable

The mapping of tables in Bigtable onto GFS involves several stages, as summarized below:

  • A table is split into multiple tablets by dividing the table up by row, taking a row range up to a size of around 100–200 megabytes and mapping this onto a tablet. A given table will therefore consist of multiple tablets depending on its size. As tables grow, extra tablets will be added.
  • Each tablet is represented by a storage structure that consists of set of files that store data in a particular format (the SSTable) together with other storage structures implementing logging.
  • The mapping from tablets to SSTables is provided by a hierarchical index scheme inspired by B+-trees.

We look at the storage representation and mapping in more detail below.

The precise storage representation of a tablet in Bigtable is shown in Figure 21.15. The main unit of storage in Bigtable is the SSTable (a file format that is also used elsewhere in the Google infrastructure). An SSTable is organized as an ordered and immutable map from keys to values, with both being arbitrary strings. Operations are provided to efficiently read the value associated with a given key and to iterate over a set of values in a given key range. The index of an SSTable is written at the end of the SSTable file and read into memory when an SSTable is accessed. This means that a given entry can be read with a single disk read. An entire SSTable can optionally be stored in main memory.

A given tablet is represented by a number of SSTables. Rather than performing mutations directly on SSTables, writes are first committed to a log to support recovery (see Chapter 17), with the log also held in GFS. The log entries are written through to the memtable held in main memory. The SSTables therefore act as a snapshot of the state of a tablet and, on failure, recovery is implemented by replaying the most recent log entries since the last snapshot. Reads are serviced by providing a merged view of the data from the SSTables combined with the memtable. Different levels of compaction are performed on this data structure to maintain efficient operation, as reported in Chang et al. [2008]. Note that SSTables can also be compressed to reduce the storage requirements of particular tables in Bigtable. Users can specify whether tables are to be compressed and also the compression algorithm to be used.

As mentioned above, the master is not involved in the mapping from tables to stored data. Rather, this is managed by traversing an index based on the concept of B+- trees (a form of B-tree where all the actual data is held in leaf nodes, with other nodes containing indexing data and metadata).

A Bigtable client seeking the location of a tablet starts the search by looking up a particular file in Chubby that is known to hold the location of a root tablet – that is, a tablet containing the root index of the tree structure. This root tablet contains metadata about other tablets – specifically about other metadata tablets, which in turn contain the location of the actual data tablets. The root tablet together with the other metadata tablets form a metadata table, with the only distinction being that the entries in the root tablet contain metadata about metadata tablets, which in turn contain metadata about the actual data tablets. With this scheme, the depth of the tree is limited to three. The entries in the metadata table map portions of tablets onto location information, including information about the storage representation for this tablet (including the set of SSTables and the associated log).

This overall structure is represented in Figure 21.16. To shortcut this three-level hierarchy, clients cache location information and also prefetched metadata associated with other tables when accessing the data structure.


Bigtable uses Chubby in a rather interesting way to monitor tablet servers. Bigtable maintains a directory in Chubby containing files representing each of the available tablet servers. When a new tablet server comes along, it creates a new file in this directory and, crucially, obtains an exclusive lock on this file. The existence of this file acts as the flag that the tablet server is fully operational and ready to be assigned tablets by the master, with the lock providing a means of communication between the two parties:

  • From the tablet server side: every tablet server monitors its exclusive lock and, if this is lost, it stops serving its tablets. This is most likely due to a network partition that compromises the Chubby session. The tablet server will attempt to reacquire the exclusive lock if the file still exists (see below), and if the file disappears, the server terminates itself. If a server terminates for another reason, for example because it is informed that its machine is needed for another purpose, the tablet server can surrender its exclusive lock, thus triggering a reassignment.

  • From the master side: the master periodically requests the status of the lock. If the lock is lost or if a tablet server does not respond, then clearly there is a problem either with the tablet server or with Chubby. The master attempts to acquire the lock, and if it succeeds it can infer that Chubby is alive and that the problem rests with the tablet server. The master then deletes the file from the directory, which will result in the tablet server terminating itself if it has not already failed. The master then must reassign all of that server’s tablets to alternative tablet servers.

The rationale is to reuse Chubby, which is a well-tested and reliable service, to achieve the extra level of monitoring rather than providing a specific monitoring service specifically for this purpose.

Load balancing

To assign tablets,the master must map the available tablets in the cluster to appropriate tablet servers. From the algorithm above, the master has an accurate list of tablet servers that are ready and willing to host tablets and a list of all the tablets associated with the cluster. The master also maintains the current mapping information together with a list of unassigned tablets (which is populated, for example, when a tablet server is removed from the system). By having this global view of the system, the master ensures unassigned tablets are assigned to appropriate tablet servers based on responses to load requests, updating the mapping information accordingly. Note that a master also has an exclusive lock of its own (the master lock), and if this is lost due to the Chubby session being compromised, the master must terminate itself (again, reusing Chubby to implement additional functionality). This does not stop access to data but rather prevents control operations from proceeding. Bigtable is therefore still available at this stage. When the master restarts, it must retrieve the current status. It does this by first creating a new file and obtaining the exclusive lock ensuring it is the only master in the cluster, and then working through the directory to find tablet servers, requesting information on tablet assignments from the tablet servers and also building a list of all tablets under its responsibility to infer unassigned tablets. The master then proceeds with its normal operation.

Summary of key design choices

The overall design choices relating to data storage and coordination services are summarized in Figure 21.17. The most striking feature emerging from this analysis is the design choice of providing three separate services that individually are relatively simple and targeted towards a given style of usage but together provide excellent coverage for the needs of Google applications and services. This is most evident from the complementary styles offered by GFS and Chubby, with Bigtable then providing structured data building on the services offered by both the underlying services. This design choice also echoes the approach adopted for communication paradigms (see Section 21.4.3) whereby multiple techniques are offered, each optimized for the intended style of application.


[1] George Coulouris, Jean Dollimore, Tim Kindberg and Gordon Blair, DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS Concepts and Design Fifth Edition, Pearson Education, Inc., 2012.

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