Query Optimization Bibliography
- 1998. S.Chaudhuri. An Overview of Query Optimization in Relational Systems. PODS 98
- 1996. Yannis Ioannidis. Query Optimization. In Handbook of Computer Science , A.B.Tucker(ed.), CRC Press. (.ps)
- 1993. G.Graefe. Query Evaluation Techniques for Large Databases. ACM Computing Surveys. 25(2).
- 1984. M.Jarke, J.Koch. Query Optimization in Database Systems. ACM Computing Surveys, 16(2), June 1984.
EDITH related publications
For a complete list follow this link.
- 2000. V. Markl R. Bayer On Analyzing the Cost of Queries with Multi-Attribute Restrictions and Sort Operations
- 2000. F. Ramsak V. Markl R. Fenk M. Zirkel K. Elhardt R. Bayer. Integrating the UB-Tree into a Database System Kernel Proc. of VLDB Conf. 2000, Cairo, Egypt, 2000 (.pdf)
- 2000. V. Markl R. Bayer Processing Relational OLAP Queries with UB-Trees and Multidimensional Hierarchical Clustering
- 1999. V. Markl F. Ramsak R. Bayer Improving OLAP Performance by Multidimensional Hierarchical Clustering. Proc. of IDEAS Conf., Montreal, Canada, 1999 (.pdf)
- **1999. V. Markl MISTRAL: Processing Relational Queries using a
Multidimensional Access Technique Ph.D. Thesis, TU München, 1999,
- published by infix Verlag, St. Augustin, DISDBIS 59, ISBN 3-89601-459-5, 1999 (.pdf)**
- 1999. V. Markl M. Zirkel R. Bayer Processing Operations with Restrictions in Relational Database Management Systems without external Sorting. Proc. of ICDE Conf., Sydney, Australia, 1999 (.ps)
- 1996. R. Bayer The Universal B-Tree for multidimensional Indexing Technical Report TUM-I9637,November 1996. (.ps)
- Other UB-tree material.
Rule Based Optimization/Extensible Query Optimizers
- 1995.Goetz Graefe: The Cascades Framework for Query Optimization.Data Eng Bulletin 18(3): 19-29 (1995)
- 1993. Graefe G. McKenna W.J. The Volcano optimizer generator: Extensibility and efficient search. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conf. on Data Engineering. IEEE, New York 1993.
- 1993. Gail Mitchell, Umeshwar Dayal, Stanley B. Zdonik: Control of an Extensible Query Optimizer: A Planning-Based Approach. VLDB 1993: 517-528
- 1992. Hamid Pirahesh, Joseph M. Hellerstein, Waqar Hasan: Extensible/Rule Based Query Rewrite Optimization in Starburst. SIGMOD Conference 1992: 39-48 (.pdf)
- 1992. Graefe G. et.al. Extensible query optimization and parallel execution in Volcano. In Query Processing for Advanced Database Applications. J.Freytag. Morgan-Kaufman.
- 1989. L.Haas,J.Freytag,G.Lohman,H.Pirahesh. Extensible Query Processing in Starburst. In Proceeding of ACM SIGMOD conf.. ACM New York 1989.
- 1988.Guy M. Lohman: Grammar-like Functional Rules for Representing Query Optimization Alternatives. SIGMOD Conference 1988: 18-27
- 1987.Graefe G. Dewitt D.J. The EXODUS Optimizer generator.In Proceeding of ACM SIGMOD conf.. ACM New York 1987.
- 1987. Johann Christoph Freytag: A Rule-Based View of Query Optimization.SIGMOD conf. 1987: 173-180 (.pdf)
Optimization of Queries with Aggregates
- 1995.Weipeng P. Yan, Per-Åke Larson: Eager Aggregation and Lazy Aggregation. VLDB 1995: 345-357 (.ps)
- 1995. Surajit Chaudhuri, Kyuseok Shim: An Overview of Cost-based Optimization of Queries with Aggregates. Data Engineering Bulletin 18(3): 3-9 (1995)
- 1995. Ashish Gupta, Venky Harinarayan, Dallan Quass: Aggregate-Query Processing in Data Warehousing Environments. VLDB 1995: 358-369 (ext. version .ps)
- 1994. Surajit Chaudhuri, Kyuseok Shim: Including Group-By in Query Optimization. VLDB 1994: 354-366 (.pdf)
- Some more papers…
Global (Multiple) Query Optimization
- 1998. Simultaneous Optimization and Evaluation of Multiple Dimensional Queries - Yihong Zhao , Prasad Deshpande, Jeffrey F. Naughton, Amit Shukla , SIGMOD , 1998 .
- 1988. T.Sellis.Multiple Query Optimization. ACM-TODS, 13(1):23-52, March 1988.
Optimization with User Defined Predicates/functions (expensive selection predicates)
- 1999. Optimization of Queries with User-Defined Predicates. ACM TODS, 24(2), June 1999.
Caching of query results
- 1998. Caching Multidimensional Queries Using Chunks - Prasad Deshpande , Karthikeyan Ramasamy, Amit Shukla, Jeffrey F. Naughton , SIGMOD, 1998 .
- 1988. Timos K. Sellis: Intelligent caching and indexing techniques for relational database systems. IS 13(2): 175-185 (1988)
Semantic Query Optimization
- 1981. J.J.King. Quist: A system for semantic query optimization in relational databases. In Proc, of the 7th Int. VLDB Conf., pages 510-1517, Cannes France, August 1981.
Size-Value Distribution Estimation
- 1988. M.V.Mannino, P. Chu, T.Sager. Statistical profile estimation in database systems. ACM Computing Survey, 20(3):192-221, Seprember 1988.
- 1996. V. Poosala, Y.Ioannidis, P.Haas and E.Shekita. Improved histograms for selectivity estimations of range predicates. In ACM SIGMOD Conf. On the Management of Data, 1996.
- 1993. Y.I. Ioannidis. Universality of serial histograms. In proc. of the Conf. on Very Large Databases, 1993.
- 1988. M Muralikrishna and D.DeWitt. Equi-depth histograms for estimating selectivity factors for multi-dimensional queries. In ACM SIGMOD Conf. On the Management of Data, 1988.