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Sungsoo Kim's Blog

Data Exploration Using BlinkDB


25 May 2015

Data Exploration Using BlinkDB

BlinkDB is a large-scale data warehouse system like Shark that adds the ability to create and use smaller samples of large datasets to make queries even faster. Today you’re going to get a sneak peek at an alpha release of BlinkDB. We’ll set up BlinkDB and use it to run some SQL queries against the English Wikipedia, as in the Shark exercises. Don’t worry if you haven’t seen SQL or Shark before, though - we haven’t assumed that you have.

BlinkDB is in its alpha stage of development (the current release is alpha-0.1.0), and you’ll probably notice some of its limitations. We’ll mention them as they come up in the tutorial.

  1. First, launch the BlinkDB console:

  2. Similar to Apache Hive, BlinkDB can query external tables (i.e. tables that are not created in BlinkDB). Before you do any querying, you will need to tell BlinkDB where the data is and define its schema.

    blinkdb> create external table wikistats (dt string, project_code string, page_name string, page_views int, bytes int) row format delimited fields terminated by ' ' location '/wiki/pagecounts';
    Time taken: 0.232 seconds

    FAQ: If you see the following errors, don’t worry. Things are still working under the hood.

    12/08/18 21:07:34 ERROR DataNucleus.Plugin: Bundle "org.eclipse.jdt.core" requires "org.eclipse.core.resources" but it cannot be resolved.
    12/08/18 21:07:34 ERROR DataNucleus.Plugin: Bundle "org.eclipse.jdt.core" requires "org.eclipse.core.runtime" but it cannot be resolved.
    12/08/18 21:07:34 ERROR DataNucleus.Plugin: Bundle "org.eclipse.jdt.core" requires "org.eclipse.text" but it cannot be resolved.

    FAQ: If you see errors like these, you might have copied and pasted a line break, and should be able to remove it to get rid of the errors.

    13/02/05 21:22:16 INFO parse.ParseDriver: Parsing command: CR
    FAILED: Parse Error: line 1:0 cannot recognize input near 'CR' '<EOF>' '<EOF>'

    FAQ: If you partially complete the exercises and then restart them later, or if you previously tried out the Shark exercises, your tables will stick around. You will see errors like this if you try to create them again:

    FAILED: Error in metadata: AlreadyExistsException(message:Table wikistats already exists)
    FAILED: Execution Error, return code 1 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.DDLTask

    To fix this, drop the table (wikistats or, introduced shortly, wikistats_cached or wikistats_sample_cached), then create it again using the same command described above. You can drop a table with:

    drop table wikistats;
  3. Like Shark, BlinkDB allows tables to be cached in the cluster’s memory for faster access. Any table having a name with the suffix “_cached” is automatically cached. We’ll take advantage of caching to speed up queries on the wikistats table. Create a cached version of it:

    blinkdb> create table wikistats_cached as select * from wikistats;
    Moving data to: hdfs://
    Time taken: 56.664 seconds
  4. First, check the number of records in the table. (If you have some familiarity with databases, note that we use the “count(1)” syntax here since in earlier versions of Hive, the more popular “count(*)” operation was not supported. BlinkDB supports most of Hive’s flavor of SQL. Hive SQL syntax is described in detail in the Hive Getting Started Guide.)

    blinkdb> select count(1) from wikistats_cached;
    Time taken: 27.889 seconds
  5. Now let’s create a random sample of this table using BlinkDB’s samplewith operator and cache it in the cluster’s memory. We’ll use a sample that’s about 1% of the original Wikipedia dataset in size. This sample will be used to compute approximations to various queries on wikistats_cached.

    blinkdb> create table wikistats_sample_cached as select * from wikistats_cached samplewith 0.01;
    Moving data to: hdfs://
    Time taken: 22.703 seconds

    In alpha-0.1.0, we need to tell BlinkDB the size of the sample and of the original table. First, check the sample’s size. The sample table is just like any other table; you can run any SQL query you want on it, including count:

    blinkdb> select count(1) from wikistats_sample_cached;
    Time taken: 3.011 seconds

    Since the sample size is random, you may get a slightly different answer than the one listed here. It should be close to 1% of the original table’s size.

    Now declare the sample size. Replace the number here with the result of the count query you just ran.

    set blinkdb.sample.size=3294551; -- (Replace this with the result of your query.)

    Finally, declare the original table’s size.

    set blinkdb.dataset.size=329641466;
  6. Our first real task is to compute a simple count of the number of English records (i.e., those with “project_code="en"”). We’re not using our sample yet.

    blinkdb> select count(1) from wikistats_cached where project_code = "en";
    Time taken: 21.632 seconds
  7. Now approximate the same count using the sampled table. In alpha-0.1.0, you need to tell BlinkDB to compute an approximation by prepending “approx_” to your aggregation function. (Also, only queries that compute count, sum, or average can be approximated. In the future many more functions, including UDFs, will be approximable.)

    blinkdb> select approx_count(1) from wikistats_sample_cached where project_code = "en";
    122340466 +/- 225926.0 (99% Confidence)
    Time taken: 2.993 seconds

    Notice that our sampled query produces a slightly incorrect answer, but it runs faster. (The answer you see will be slightly different from our example output, but it should be close.) Also, the query result now includes some additional text, which tells us how close BlinkDB thinks it is to the true answer. In this case, BlinkDB reports that the interval [122114540, 122566392] (this is just subtracting or adding 225926.0 to 122340466) probably contains the true count.

    Technically, this interval is a 99% confidence interval. Confidence intervals come with the guarantee that, if you were to repeatedly create new samples using the samplewith operator and then perform this query on each sample, the confidence interval reported by BlinkDB would contain the true answer (122352588) at least 99% of the time. A simpler (though not entirely correct) interpretation is that there is a 99% chance that the true count is inside the confidence interval.

  8. Now we would like to find out the average number of hits on pages with “San Francisco” in the title throughout the entire period:

    blinkdb> select approx_avg(page_views) from wikistats_sample_cached where lcase(page_name) like "%san_francisco%";
    3.053745928338762 +/- 0.9373634631550505 (99% Confidence)
    Time taken: 12.09 seconds

    You can also compute an exact answer by running the same query on the table wikistats_cached, replacing “approx_avg” with “avg”:

    blinkdb> select avg(page_views) from wikistats_cached where lcase(page_name) like "%san_francisco%";
    Time taken: 56.802 seconds
  9. BlinkDB is targeted at interactive-speed analysis, so let’s dive a little further into traffic patterns on Wikipedia. First, check which time intervals had the most traffic:

    blinkdb> select dt, approx_sum(page_views) as views from wikistats_sample_cached group by dt order by views;
    20090505-060000 1.0786954974766022E7 +/- 146937.0 (99% Confidence)
    20090507-040000 1.0887732096864136E7 +/- 147621.0 (99% Confidence)
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    20090506-120000 1.6188188397563733E7 +/- 183528.0 (99% Confidence)
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    20090506-180000 2.1917472869256794E7 +/- 270395.0 (99% Confidence)
    20090505-200001 5.331630157237396E7 +/- 1256778.0 (99% Confidence)
    Time taken: 1.195 seconds

    NOTE: alpha-0.1.0 only supports lexographic ordering using the orderby operator. We will introduce numerical ordering in alpha-0.2.0.

  10. The hour “20090506-120000” seems to be a fairly typical interval. Now let’s see which project codes (roughly, which languages) contributed to this:

    blinkdb> select project_code, approx_sum(page_views) as views from wikistats_sample_cached where dt="20090506-120000" group by project_code;
    vi.d    10197.941673238138 +/- 2724.0 (99% Confidence)
    sr  10297.921493564003 +/- 2984.0 (99% Confidence)
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    io.d    999.798203258641 +/- 859.0 (99% Confidence)
    nds 999.798203258641 +/- 974.0 (99% Confidence)
    Time taken: 1.407 seconds

    Since our sample is randomly generated, your results will probably look a little different. Notice that the rarer project codes are not well represented and have wide confidence intervals, but we can see roughly how many views the most popular project codes got.

  11. We might also be interested in whether the amount of traffic on a project matches its page count:

    blinkdb> select project_code, approx_count(1) as num_pages, approx_sum(page_views) as views from
    wikistats_sample_cached where dt="20090506-160000" group by project_code;
    fr  315836 +/- 14463.0 (99% Confidence) 1003897.3758920014 +/- 45994.0 (99% Confidence)
    de.b    5798 +/- 1961.0 (99% Confidence)    10397.901313889866 +/- 3516.0 (99% Confidence)
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    vi.b    699 +/- 682.0 (99% Confidence)  999.798203258641 +/- 974.0 (99% Confidence)
    kk  699 +/- 682.0 (99% Confidence)  999.798203258641 +/- 974.0 (99% Confidence)
    Time taken: 0.907 seconds
  12. However, the random sampling used by BlinkDB doesn’t always work well. For instance, try computing the average number of hits on all pages:

    blinkdb> select approx_avg(page_views) from wikistats_sample_cached;
    3.6420454545454546 +/- 1.7610655103860877 (99% Confidence)
    Time taken: 3.407 seconds

    Also try computing the true average on the original table. You’ll probably notice that the 99% confidence interval provided by BlinkDB doesn’t cover the true answer.

  13. Let’s investigate this a bit further. The kind of sampling supported in alpha-0.1.0 (simple random sampling) typically works poorly on data that contains large, important outliers. Let’s check what the raw distribution of page_views looks like. (You can also try this on wikistats_sample_cached; percentiles on samples are not officially supported yet, but unofficially they work quite well!)

    blinkdb> select percentile_approx(page_views, array(0.01, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9, 0.99, 0.999)) as page_views_percentiles from wikistats_cached;
    Time taken: 31.241 seconds

    Note that percentile_approx is not one of the BlinkDB approximation operators (which are prefixed by “approx_”). It is a normal Hive SQL operator that computes approximate percentiles on a given column.

    Most pages have only a few views, but there are some pages with a very large number of views. If a sample misses one of these outliers, it will look very different from the original table, and accuracy of both approximations and confidence intervals will suffer.

  14. If you like, continue to explore the Wikipedia dataset. BlinkDB alpha-0.1.0 supports the following approximate aggregation functions: approx_sum, approx_count, and approx_avg, with more to come soon.

  15. To exit BlinkDB, type the following at the BlinkDB command line (and don’t forget the semicolon!).

    blinkdb> exit;

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