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Sungsoo Kim's Blog

Katana Graph; A Graph Intelligence Platform


14 September 2022

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Katana Graph; A Graph Intelligence Platform for High-Performance and Unified Graph Computing


According to Gartner, Inc., graph processing is one of the top 10 data analytics trends for 2021. It is an emerging application area, as well as a necessary tool for data scientists working with linked datasets (e.g., social, telecommunication, and financial networks; web traffic; and biochemical pathways). Graphs in practical applications tend to be large, and they’re getting larger. For example, social networks today can have billions of nodes and edges, so high-performance parallel computing is essential.

To this end, Katana Graph, in collaboration with Intel, has designed a high-performance, easy-to-use graph analytics Python library with (a) highly optimized, parallel implementations of important graph analytics algorithms; (b) a high-level Python interface to write custom parallel algorithms on top of the underlying C++ graph engine; (c) interoperability with pandas, scikit-learn, and Apache Arrow, and tools and libraries in the Intel AI software stack; (d) comprehensive support for extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL) from various formats; and (e) a Metagraph plugin.

Graph Analytics Algorithms in the Library

The key algorithms that are commonly used in graph-processing pipelines come prepackaged in the Katana library. The algorithms that are currently available are listed below:

  • Breadth-first search: Returns an oriented tree constructed from a breadth-first search starting at a source node
  • Single-source shortest path: Computes the shortest paths to all the nodes starting from a source node
  • Connected components: Finds the components (i.e., groups of nodes) of the graph that are connected internally, but not connected to other components
  • PageRank: Computes the ranking of nodes in the graph based on the structure of incoming links
  • Betweenness centrality: Computes the centrality of nodes in the graph based on the number of shortest paths that pass through each node
  • Triangle counting: Counts the number of triangles in a graph
  • Louvain community detection: Computes the communities of the graph that maximizes the modularity using the Louvain heuristics
  • Subgraph extraction: Extracts the induced subgraph of the graph
  • Jaccard similarity: Computes the Jaccard coefficient of a given node to every other node in the graph
  • Community detection using label propagation: Computes the communities in the graph using a label propagation algorithm
  • Local clustering coefficient functions: Measures the degree to which nodes in a graph tend to cluster together
  • K-Truss: Finds the maximal induced subgraph of the graph that contains at least three vertices where every edge is incident to at least K - 2 triangles
  • K-Core: Finds the maximal subgraph that contains nodes of degree K or more

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