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Sungsoo Kim's Blog

Getting Started with ZenML


29 June 2023

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Getting Started with ZenML


The ZenML101 Workshop is a one-hour tutorial workshop organized by the ZenML team to facilitate beginners in getting started with ZenML.

In this video, we start with the overview of ZenML and then dive into the technical side where we talked about installation and running through the quickstart example.

Here’s what will be covered -

‣ Train a model on the iris flower classification dataset, evaluate it, deploy it, and embed it in an inference pipeline,

‣ Automatically version, track, and cache data, models, and other artifacts,

‣ Track model hyperparameters and metrics in an experiment tracking tool,

‣ Measure and visualize train-test skew, training-serving skew, and data drift.

The demo was done with zenml==0.20.0.

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