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Sungsoo Kim's Blog

Internals of Permissioned Blockchains


8 September 2023

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Internals of Permissioned Blockchains


Permissioned blockchains are becoming increasingly mainstream and are being considered for solving problems similar to what databases have traditionally solved, with the main difference that permissioned blockchains distribute trust and can work even with several participants who do not fully trust each other. As a result, there are numerous research proposals in the intersection of databases and blockchains. Sadly, there are still many misconceptions about this technology which leads to confusion in the community. The main goal of the tutorial is to provide a background on the technology and to contrast it with public, permissionless, blockchains. We will familiarize participants with the internals of permissioned blockchains and explain how they can be used in non-cryptocurrency scenarios. Through a hands-on part, participants will “learn by doing” how some of the most promising use-cases of permissioned blockchains translate to actual smart contracts. We will focus on a supply-chain management-like application and, as our target platform, we will use Hyperledger Fabric 1.4 LTS, an open-source, modular, widely used enterprise blockchain platform.

Part A

Part B


The tutorial will be held by Zsolt István. He is an Associate Professor at the IT University of Copenhagen. Before that, he was an Assistant Research Professor at the IMDEA Software Institute in Madrid, Spain, with years of experience in databases, distributed systems, and FPGA programming. He holds a PhD and MSc in Computer Science from ETH Zurich, Switzerland and a BSc in Computer Science from UT Cluj-Napoca, Romania. His personal website is at:

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