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Sungsoo Kim's Blog

High Level Overview of AI and ML in Science and Engineering


17 September 2024

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High Level Overview of AI and ML in Science and Engineering


This video describes how to incorporate physics into the machine learning process. The process of machine learning is broken down into five stages: (1) formulating a problem to model, (2) collecting and curating training data to inform the model, (3) choosing an architecture with which to represent the model, (4) designing a loss function to assess the performance of the model, and (5) selecting and implementing an optimization algorithm to train the model. At each stage, we discuss how prior physical knowledge may be embedding into the process.

Physics informed machine learning is critical for many engineering applications, since many engineering systems are governed by physics and involve safety critical components. It also makes it possible to learn more from sparse and noisy data sets.

This video was produced at the University of Washington, and we acknowledge funding support from the Boeing Company

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