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Sungsoo Kim's Blog

What Are Drifts and How to Detect Them?


16 October 2024

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What Are Drifts and How to Detect Them?


This video covers the concept of Drift that happens in Machine learning models when they are deployed in production. Model performance goes down over time due to various reasons and causes businesses to lose revenue over time as well. I am also explaining different types of drifts along with various drift detection techniques that you can use to build your own drift detection framework for your machine learning model. In the last of this video, I explain a project on Drift detection framework that shows using which technique or python library, you can create your own drift detection framework. By the end of this video, you’ll have a clear understanding of what drifts are and how to use them to improve your machine-learning skills. If you want to work on some ready-to-use projects then please visit ProjectPro, the only end-to-end data projects platform in the world. We have 250+ solved projects, click here to know more:

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